dyonisos' stomach
dyonisos' stomach
an object for the glass fab collection of the gandy gallery
curated by matali crasset
dyonisos' stomach is an object which nutures the collectivity. a festive object. a glass goat skin for wine, allowing it to better oxygenate and thus reveal its flavors and tastes in their fullness. guest come and drink the wine through a straw/ballon glass.
"glass fab: three exhibitions of artists working in glass"
gandy gallery
prague, czech republic
the artists
volker albus (D)
claude closky (F)
matali crasset (F)
marie-ange guilleminot (F)
joseph grigely (USA)
fabrice gygy (CH)
richard hutten (NL)
jakob + mac Farlane (F)
stéphane magnin (F)
yves netzhammer (CH)
olgoj & chorchoj (CZ)
javier perez (SP)
denis santachiara (I)
tobias rehberger (D)
rirkit tiravanija (TH)
oliver vogt (D)
hermann weizenegger (D)
ernesto neto (BR)
this collection is based on the principle of a border. each artist received
a theme to explore. these thematics do not express usual functions but more
conceptual directions such as weight, sound, waste.