dim project
a social sculpture
dim (die imaginäre manufaktur) is a project that was established in the year 1998. it is based in an institution for blind workers in the heart of berlin - kreuzberg. the process of the project was made possible by an altruistic work of a large network of artists, writers and designers who shared ideas and imaginations with the workers at the manufactury.
TAM, tokyo art museum
MARTA, herford
galleria massimo di carlo, milano
since 2005 on world tour with the exhibition
"somewhat different", curated by volker albus.
a collective project with
volker albus, shin azumi, tomoko azumi, veronika becker, berit burmeister, matali crasset, niels engelbrecht, elder ferreira monteiro, jane gara, marti guixé, isabel hamm, konstantin grcic, alfredo häberli, peter hils, jörg hundertpfund, niels engelbrecht, , johannes klein, jürgen krugsperger, arik levy, michael marriott, alexandra martini, henrike meyer, wolfgang müller, simone lueling, tim parsons, andreas sommerwerk, judith seng, winfried scheuer, manuel tavora, mats theselius, indriani tulusan, hermann weizenegger